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Producer Gas Qualiity Flame Test

Our Trillion Gasifier generates a high quality producer gas that is tar free and burns cleanly, as demonstrated in the video below. A small engine driven blower fan is used to extract the gas from the gasifier and we burn this gas to produce a clear blue flame, the result of burning high concentration of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas. 


Comparsion Of Engine Exhaust In Diesel & Bi-Fuel Mode

When we discuss the topic of gasifier, the first thing that comes to our mind is fuel saving. We probably have neglected another important aspect or advantage of using gasifier i.e. cleaner engine exhaust emission, which in turns also protects our environment, and not to mention the advantage it has on the engine maintenance. This video was taken to give viewers an idea how clean the engine exhaust emission can be by simply running the engine in bi-fuel mode using the Trillion Gasifier.


Last Updated on Sunday, 10 October 2010 00:42
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